Advanced Search - Part II - Saving, Recalling and Deleting Text Search

Save Your Advanced Search

Saving your advanced search is super easy. Here are the steps

  1. Build your query
  2. After building your query, type a meaningful name in your save as input box
  3. Click save button as shown in the figure below

Advanced Search Save

Now your search is saved.

Recall Your Advanced Search

To recall a search use the following steps:

  1. From the Advanced Search Dialog Box, click on Load Your Saved Search drop-down field.
  2. Find the name your are looking for from the drop-down menu
  3. Select the name by clicking on it
  4. Your search will get automatically populated
  5. Click on the green turquoise colored button to initiate the search

Below is the screenshot showing the relevant elements for recalling a saved search

Recall Advanced Search

Deleting Advanced Search

To delete a saved search, follow these steps

  1. From the Advanced Search Dialog Box, click on Load Your Saved Search drop-down field.
  2. Find the name your are looking for from the drop-down menu
  3. Select the name by clicking on it
  4. Your search will get automatically populated
  5. Click on the red delete button to delete the search

Below is the screenshot showing the relevant elements for deleting a saved search

Delete Adv Search